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Find and kill "the Collector" then return to Marshal McCree with The Collector's Ring.
The Collector's Ring

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Elwynn Forest.


If the "Collector" is taking gold from our mines then he's stealing from the kingdom! Bring the Collector to justice, and bring me the ring mentioned in the pickup schedule you gave me. It may tell us whom the Collector is working for...

That Pickup Schedule says the Collector is hiding out at the Brackwell Pumpkin Patch. You should search for him there.


You can choose one of these awards:
Stormwind Chain Gloves Elastic Wristguards McCree's Sparring Gloves
You will receive:
"Collecting" Bag


Did you find the Collector? Did you discover whom he's working for?


You found him? Well done, <name>. He won't be "collecting" from the Elwynn Mines again!

And this ring you found is interesting... it's a membership ring for the old Stonemason's Guild in Stormwind. I haven't seen one of these in years, since back in the days when the Defias Brotherhood used to infest this land.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 850 experience (at level 7)
  • 250 Reputation with Stormwind

