Helios WoW banner
Athena WoW banner
Quick Facts
  • Level: 3
  • Requires level: 1
  • Side: Horde
  • Start: Tegashi
  • End: Tegashi
  • Status: Working
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Mercy for the Lost

Kill 8 Corrupted Bloodtalon Raptors.

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Durotar.


The fiend who stole our raptors has been corruptin' dem with some kind of magic. Now dat dey've grown with dis corruption inside of them, I fear dere's little we can be doin' to save dem outside grantin' them da peace of death. Go ta Zalazane's Fall, northwest of here, an' see da task done.

I hope ya can stomach dae work. I don't tink I could bring myself ta do da deed, even knowin' that it be needed.


Dis is very unpleasant work.


Thank you, <class>.

It will be takin' brave and determined people like you ta drive da Darkspear up again. I hope dere are more people even half as dedicated to come.


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