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Pilfered Supplies

Retrieve 6 Pilfered Supplies from the Grizzled Den.
Pilfered Supplies (6)

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Dun Morogh.


With the Frostmanes making trouble to our east, the wendigos have sensed our weakness and grown bolder in their raids. Only one of the four most recent supply wagons has made it here safely. The wendigos made off with the rest, stashing it in the Grizzled Den, a cave southwest of town. If you're willing to go down there and recover the stolen supplies, you would have the gratitude of all the townspeople and the mountaineers defending Kharanos.


You can choose one of these awards:
Grizzled Den Boots Wendigo Leggings


Did you find any of the missing supplies?


Well done, <name>. The mountaineers will be glad to hear that half-rations are at an end. They'll need all their strength to continue fighting the Frostmanes.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

