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It's All Mine

Use the Concentrated Solvent on 6 Ore Heaps in the Nethergarde Mines.
Concentrated Solvent (Provided)

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Blasted Lands.


All over this cavern you'll find unguarded piles of ore, just waiting to be tampered with. Our first choice would be to steal the ore, obviously, but that requires mine carts, protection, and labor... three things we just don't have. So instead, we're just going to ruin this little mining party with a little bit of highly corrosive solvent.

Take this bottle - CAREFULLY - and pour it onto those heaps of ore. 'Cause if we can't have this ore, then neither can they.


There's nothing quite like a big fat kick in the wallet, is there, you Alliance lunkheads?!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8150 experience (at level 54)
  • 250 Reputation with Orgrimmar

