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Free Wil'hai

Slay all of the Tentacle Horrors to free Wil'hai.
Valoren's Shrinkage Totem (Provided)

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Those tentacle horrors rising from the depths have trapped that poor beast. Please, <name>, can you save it by destroying those things?

Will you free Wil'hai?

Here, take my totem and plant it near the tentacles. The cold it emanates will cause major shrinkage on those monsters and then you'll be able to destroy them.


You can choose one of these awards:
Hood of Teeming Horror Tentacle-Slayer Bracers Wil'hai's Extraneous Tooth


Wil'hai is still trapped.


Thank you, <name>.

These nightmarish creatures that rise from below give me pause. I fear that our efforts will be for nothing.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

