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1.The Farmers' Militia
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The Farmers' Militia

Use the Ebon Gargoyle Collar on 6 Provincial Militiamen within Andorhal.
Ebon Gargoyle Collar (Provided)

Relevant Locations

These NPCs or objects can be found in Western Plaguelands (4).


The battle started when they attacked us from the rear. I let my guard down, and a group of poorly-armed farmers and militiamen swung into our flank from the Writhing Haunt.

They may be weak, but unchecked, they threaten to overwhelm us with their numbers.

Lindsay's pet abominations can handle the melee combat. You take this collar, stay in the rear, and use it to release my ebon gargoyle upon these farmers.


Merely a dent in their numbers... but the sight of their fellow men falling from the skies surely weakened their resolve.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4350 experience (at level 38)
  • 250 Reputation with Undercity

