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Neeka Bloodscar

Speak with Neeka Bloodscar at Splinterspear Junction.

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Swamp of Sorrows.


There is much work to do in recovering from the assault and bracing ourselves for the next one. I will need coordination from all of our scouts.

Neeka Bloodscar is our finest tracker, trained in the harsh Badlands. She has been sent west to Splinterspear Junction to watch for Alliance activity.

Go to Neeka, <name>. Tell her of what has occured in Stonard. Assist her in any way she requires.


I hope the sight of my sniveling amuses you, <name>. It will be the only joy here.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2050 experience (at level 53)

