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Clamlette Surprise

Dirge Quikcleave wants you to get the following items:

10 Giant Eggs. You will find those on the Rocs wandering Tanaris or any other species of large bird.

10 pieces of Zesty Clam Meat. You can find those in clams, naturally!

20 pieces of Fine Aged Cheddar. Get thee to a cheesery!

Gather all of the items and return to Dirge.
Giant Egg (10)
Zesty Clam Meat (10)
Fine Aged Cheddar (20)

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Tanaris.


Ever heard of a clamlette? Of course you haven't! It's my latest and greatest culinary masterpiece. Oh, <name>, just thinking about a clamlette makes my mouth water.

Unfortunately, I'm all out of supplies to make any! How about I make you a deal? You gather the supplies I need to make a clamlette and I'll teach you the finer points of exotic cuisine and I'll even throw in a couple of clamlettes to boot! Deal??

Here's what I need:


You will learn:
Clamlette Magnifique


My cravings are going to be the end of me! Hurry, <name> - before I dip into my own supply.


You are in for a special treat, <name>. Watch and learn!

<Dirge begins to prepare clamlette surprise.>


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5550 experience (at level 35)

