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Solanian's Belongings

Collect Well Watcher Solanian's Scrying Orb, his Scroll of Scourge Magic, and his Journal. They are found on Sunstrider Isle by the pond, the fountain, and one of the Burning Crystals. Return them to the Well Watcher at the Sunspire on Sunstrider Isle when you've collected them all.
Solanian's Scrying Orb
Scroll of Scourge Magic
Solanian's Journal
Sunstrider Book Satchel (Provided)

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Eversong Woods.


With all the chaos happening here at the Sunspire, I haven't had a chance to collect my belongings I've left outside at various places on the isle. I must maintain my vigil over the Sunwell here, so I'll ask you to collect them in my stead.

I need my scrying orb, my scroll of Scourge magic, and my journal. Use this satchel for some extra space, as my things are rather bulky. Return them to me and I'll give you a little something - you know, for the effort; you can keep the satchel as well!


You can choose one of these awards:
Sunspire Cord Well Watcher Gloves


Have you had a chance to find my belongings? Once we reassert our dominance over Sunstrider Isle, I will need them in my work. For now though, I must maintain my watch over the Sunwell... or what remains of it.


Well done - I knew you'd be perfect for the task. Once it's safe to make use of our outdoor facilities on the isle, I'll be putting these things to good use.

Like I mentioned, please feel free to keep the satchel. Also, you may find this piece of armor to be useful. Consider it ample compensation for a simple task performed dutifully!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

