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Quick Facts
1.The Road to Falcon Watch
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  • Suggested to all party members
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  • Completed only by script/event
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The Road to Falcon Watch

Protect the Wounded Blood Elf Pilgrim on her way to Falcon Watch, then speak with Taleris Dawngazer.
Escort Wounded Blood Elf Pilgrim to Falcon Watch

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Hellfire Peninsula.


<The battered blood elf's face displays relief at your presence.>

Please, <class>, get me out of this cage! I foolishly set out from Thrallmar ahead of the main group, despite Martik Tor'seldori's warnings.

I was set upon by horrible creatures that could only be the ravagers he talked about. I managed to drive them off, but that was only the beginning of my troubles.

As I bound my wounds, those bird men found me, dragged me back to this cave, and locked me in this cage! I must get to Falcon Watch!


What do you need, <class>?


<Taleris shouts to several of the blood elves at the outpost.>

Get her inside and see to her wounds!

<Taleris turns back to you.>

She's fortunate that you found her when you did, <class>. I don't think she'd have lasted much longer out there.

Can you make out what she was saying?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

