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  • Suggested to all party members
  • Expansion required
  • Completed only by script/event

Matis the Cruel

Vindicator Kuros at Blood Watch wants you to capture Matis the Cruel.
Matis the Cruel Captured
Flare Gun (Provided)

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Bloodmyst Isle.


Matis will be brought to justice, <name>; and I want you to be the one to find him and bring him back to the Triumvirate.

Scour the island for this killer. Should you find him, use this flare gun. When my trackers see the flare, they'll come and assist in capturing Matis. Return to me after he's been captured.


You can choose one of these awards:
Vindicator's Woolies Vindicator's Leather Chaps Vindicator's Iron Legguards


The Triumvirate has decided to try Matis immediately. You have brought an arch-criminal to justice on this day, young <race>.

You have performed admirably for two of three; only Aesom remains.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1350 experience (at level 15)
  • 250 Reputation with Exodar

