Helios WoW banner
Athena WoW banner

Boss Kill Details

Boss Baleroc
Raid Firelands (Heroic 25)
Guild UndeRRateD
Realm Apollo
Killed at 2016/11/06 19:46:36
Wipes 4
Deaths During Progress 101
Fight Length 6min 10sec
Deaths During Fight 0
Resurrects During Fight 0
Boss Loot
Living Ember
Necromantic Focus
Mantle of Closed Doors
Molten Scream
Casque of Flame
Avool's Incendiary Shanker
Gauntlets of the Fiery Vanquisher
Gauntlets of the Fiery Protector
Gauntlets of the Fiery Conqueror
Seething Cinder
Eternal Ember