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The Great Bank Heist

Crack the vault at the First Bank of Kezan to retrieve your Personal Riches.
Personal Riches

Relevant Locations

These NPCs or objects can be found in Kezan (3).


All of your assets have been frozen and the First Bank of Kezan is out of business!

You need an awful lot of moolah, boss. I think you're going to have to go break your own money out of the bank! The different widgets in your Goblin All-In-1-Der belt should be enough to crack the vault.

I just hope that you've been saving for a rainy day like I always told you to do. You might have noticed... it's raining hot liquid magma!!!


You can choose one of these awards:
First Bank Knocker Tasseled Shoes Vault Cracker Gloves
You will receive:
Bank Robber's Bag


Did you get it? Did you crack the safe and get your personal riches out of the bank?


Hey, you have been saving! I'm so proud of you!

<Sassy counts all of your macaroons.>

Um, boss... this isn't nearly enough.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

