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Prepping the Soil

Activate and defend a Flameward.

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Mount Hyjal.


The Arch Druid has tasked me with setting up a series of flamewards around the perimeter of the area. Once these are active, we can prevent further attacks from the fire elementals that left this valley in ruins.

These will also protect and nourish the soil for whatever Hamuul has planned.

It's time to begin. Find one of the five flamewards I've marked on your map, activate it, and defend it from counterattack until its magic kicks in. It won't take more than a minute.


You can choose one of these awards:
Helm of the Mendicant Flameward Cloak Kindleprotector Staff


That's good! Between your work and the work of a few others, that valley is secure from a counter-attack.

I've done all I can. It's all up to you and the Arch Druid now.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

