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Defending the Rift

Kill any 15 naga in the Abyssal Breach.

Relevant Locations

These NPCs or objects can be found in unknown location (3).


The whispers of the elements are crowding my thoughts, <name>...

The Throne of Tides is under siege!

I cannot stand idly by while the naga threaten Neptulon's realm. We must find a way to join forces with him.

Nazgrim will escort me to the depths where I can commune directly with Neptulon.

I must ask you to take a more violent path. Keep the enemy forces distracted until I arrive safely at entrance to the Throne of Tides.

May the spirits see us through, <name>.


You can choose one of these awards:
Submariner's Weighted Treads Signet of the Lookout Drape of the Helmsman
The following spell will be cast on you:
Completion Event - Horde


They may think they've won, but my axe and I have something to say about that!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 52350 experience (at level 80)
  • 250 Reputation with Orgrimmar

