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An Audience with the Highlord

Report to Highlord Tirion Fordring at Hearthglen in Western Plaguelands.

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This NPC or object can be found in Western Plaguelands.


Oh, before you go, <name>... I have a message for you. There's someone in Hearthglen who'd like to meet with you. Said he's "heard your name pop up" a few times already.

Consider yourself lucky, <name>. Not everybody gets a personal audience with Highlord Tirion Fordring.

Oh, and feel free to use one of my mustangs for the ride up there. They're the fastest money can buy.


<name>. It is truly a pleasure.

I know you are young, and still training, but I've had my eye on you. We among the Argent Crusade are always looking for promising new recruits, and you have indeed shown great promise. I have no immediate tasks for you, but merely wished to meet you in person, and see for myself what type of <race> you really were.

For the time being, the amenities of Hearthglen are yours to enjoy. I look forward to our next meeting, <name>. You are dismissed.


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