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Collect Duskfang's Hide.
Duskfang's Hide

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This NPC or object can be found in Swamp of Sorrows.


If I am reduced to groveling, I may as well ask everything I can. There is one last favor I would ask of you, one more task a shamed orc pleads for.

Helgrum had a prized prey. Duskfang, eater of ogres, the great panther of Misty Valley. He would never allow himself the leisure of stalking it. Though he wanted badly to hunt, our scouting duties were too important.

If he cannot hunt Duskfang in this world, he can hunt the beast in the next. Take up the hunt for him; bring Duskfang's pelt to me.


Has Duskfang shown himself?


With Duskfang to shroud his body, he will carry the animal's spirit with him into the afterlife.

Listen to me. An old superstitious fool. I'm so sorry, Helgrum...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8150 experience (at level 53)
  • 250 Reputation with Orgrimmar

