Helios WoW banner
Athena WoW banner
Quick Facts
  • Level: 85
  • Requires level: 84
  • Side: Horde
  • Start: Rotgrum
  • End: Rotgrum
  • Status: Working
Related Flags
  • Sharable
  • Expansion required
Screenshots (1)

Dressed to Kill

Kill 10 Glopgut Ogres. Your Twilight's Hammer disguise will automatically apply while inside Glopgut's Hollow.

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Twilight Highlands.


Your disguise is ready, <name>. Whenever you go north into Glopgut's Hollow now, your Twilight's Hammer regalia will fool the ogres.

The rest of the plan is simple: you kill a bunch of Glopgut ogres, and they blame the cult. Are you ready to create some havoc in the ogre camp? I thought so.


You can choose one of these awards:
Cult-Hide Spaulders Bracers of False Night Ogre-Slayer Chestplate


How is your disguise holding up? And what's happening with those ogres?


Hah! I'm sure Twilight's Hammer wanted to number those ogres among their ranks. Now they'll probably have to fight them off instead.

This is good, <name>. With one well-placed <class> we managed to do the work of a small army. I'll let Warlord Krogg know of your work here!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 69400 experience (at level 84)
  • 250 Reputation with Orgrimmar

