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Quick Facts
  • Level: 43
  • Requires level: 40
  • Side: Alliance
  • Status: Unspecified
2.The Missing Courier
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The Missing Courier

Quest is NOT available to players.

Locate the courier's boat somewhere along the coast of Feralas.


It's been about a week since Raschal, the courier, set out for Thalanaar. He knows Feralas well; he's been with us since General Feathermoon led the expeditionary forces here. I know his plan was to take a row boat down the coast and try and traverse across southern Feralas to avoid the Horde camp.

I couldn't find his boat, but maybe you can. Maybe it is hidden, or maybe it was sunk. Regardless, it might hold a clue as to where he is. If you uncover something, please let me know.


You have found what appears to be a wrecked row boat. Through the slightly muddy water you see gaping holes riddling the port side; the boat is nearly shredded down to its simple wooden frame. Whatever broke this boat most likely tried to snap it in two. A small crest of the Feathermoon Stronghold is painted on the starboard side.

In the mud at the base of the boat, a glint of something metallic catches your eye...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3750 experience (at level 40)
  • 150 Reputation with Darnassus

